5 Reasons Doing A Retro Aerobics Class Will Make You Happier


As an aerobics instructor, I could go on all day bandying about the health benefits of aerobics - but did you know it has SO many amazing mental health benefits that will make you a happier person?

True story.

Aerobics makes you feel good, it gives you energy, it boosts your confidence, and improves your mood. Here’s how.

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Aerobics Releases Happy Chemicals In Your Body

When your heart rate goes up and starts pumping fresh blood around, your body releases just a bunch of “happy chemicals” e.g. endorphins, serotonin and norepinephrine. Like, you actually feel happier on a chemical level. 

Regular Aerobics Boosts Confidence and Self Esteem

Every time you show up for a class, or make it another 5 minutes through the aerobics video, or finally nail that choreography, you grow a little bit as a person, and this boosts your confidence and self esteem. As your ability and interest in 80s aerobics grows, so does your confidence around it. The more confident you are, the happier you tend to feel overall. 

Fun Retro Aerobics Workouts Are Kind of Addictive

That “runners high” phenomenon is a real thing … and it’s not just reserved for runners. You can get a runners high from any form of cardio, like a retro aerobics class.

Have you ever experienced this feeling? You think you can’t keep going any further, and you push through it and then a few minutes later you get this overwhelming sense of euphoria. Your muscles stop aching. You stop feeling tired. You feel almost invincible. 

Studies have even shown that a runner’s high can feel similar to a drug high. And what’s great is that while that initial euphoria wears off, the feeling of happiness and energy seems to last throughout the rest of your day.

This runners high comes from endorphins, which trigger the reward centre of your brain. The best part is – with time you start to look forward to your workouts because you’re chasing that endorphin rush, making exercise motivation a lot easier to come by. 

Cardio Workouts Like Retro Aerobics Increase Focus & Productivity 

Don’t you just feel so much better and happier when you’ve gotten more done in your day? Aerobics will help with that! 

Studies have shown that cardio workouts, like a retro aerobics class, increase your ability for self-control, focus, and impulse control, so you’re less likely to get distracted by your Facebook news feed, and more likely to stay focused and productive for the rest of the day. 

It’s one reason I like to choreograph new aerobics classes in the morning. See, I don’t know what it is about me, but I have the attention span of a hummingbird and can’t seem to focus long enough on one thing to get it done. 

I’ll be halfway through a task and then a thought pops into my head and then another one and before long I’m randomly Googling, falling down social media rabbit holes, or just losing gaps of time. 

But when I do aerobics in the morning, this doesn’t happen as often. I can stay focused and alert without feeling anxious or getting carried away in my thoughts. 

I’ve learned this is because cardio releases GABA, which is a neurotransmitter that calms anxiety and boosts impulse control. 

I know there’s Pomodoro and diaries and to do lists and all that other stuff, but if I could pinpoint one thing that REALLY helps me focus, it’s aerobics first thing in the morning. 

Aerobic Workouts Energise You

Don’t you just feel happier when you have an abundance of energy for the day? A robust retro aerobics class gives you WAY more energy than coffee – and it’s a longer lasting effect too. 

Moderate exercise like aerobics literally generates energy in your body, stimulating your body to make mitochondria, which are like itty bitty power plants in your cells. I know sometimes when you’re tired, or you just woke up feeling groggy, jumping around a bunch is the last thing you feel like, but it may just be the thing that helps you most. 

Once you get up and get going, you’ll start noticing the difference a few minutes in, but the biggest shift comes after the workout, when you feel bright eyed, bushy tailed and ready to take on the world. 

Oh and P.S. – moderate aerobics also helps you sleep better – which will definitely boost your energy levels (and aren’t we all happier after a good night’s sleep?) 


Aerobics has many benefits for your body and it also has incredible benefits for your mood, too.  In fact, doing our fun retro aerobics workouts on a regular basis can make you a happier person. So consider joining us for a workout! Perform it at a moderate intensity, most days of the week. It won’t just make you healthier – it’ll make you a whole lot happier too! 

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P.S. Now that you know the amazing benefits of retro aerobics and want to try it for yourself, our online Virtual Aerobics Studio is for you! Start a 3 day FREE trial and get instant 24/7 access to an ever growing collection of retro 1980s aesthetic workouts from the comfort of your living room.

Rhiannon Day
Aerobics Instructor, Host & Founder
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